Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Prom Pics

Otherwise known as "how to made a barrel racin', horse lovin' tomboy look like a lady!"

Prom was last Friday night for the girl. She went with a group of friends and didn't decide on going until just a few days beforehand. Luckily we had foofy dresses from balls and banquets past. One of her friend's sister does hair, and the girl got her very first 'updo'.

Look at that cascading mass......

Can't tell here if she's secretly happy about the hair or just annoyed at the whole process.....

The end product....two beautiful horsey girl's in black! They look so young and yet so very grownup at the same time!

Kelsey's (in blue) parents drove them to dinner, dance and picked them up afterwards (during our record breaking 22" spring snowstorm). Good times were had by all!

Friday, April 25, 2008


I felt so productive yesterday. Cleaned out over half the perennial beds, saw lots of green growing things poking their little leaves out. This morning, though, the sky was overcast. I left for work around 10:30ish to start seeing patients around 12:00. There were a few little 'flurries'....I wouldn't even acknowledge it as snow.
Sadly though, 5 hours and 16 patients later...this is what I saw when I left the office......
border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5193394468216376994" />

This is my truck...that I had to dig out.....

And this is my saw the pics yesterday...see where I left the rake and the fertilizer watering can...

uh huh...I am SO OVER winter. I just want to cry.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I took a day of personal leave this week to haul the Grannymeister around for her prosthodontics appts. (denture realignment) and to make sure the corporation doesn't start cashing out my leave. Hate that. With taxes it really is so very not worth it. I accrue 5 hrs. paid leave each week now. How crazy is that? Seriously I could just work 35 hr weeks from now on out and get full I've tried to schedule it, 1a week off out of every 2 months...but sometimes it's nice just to have the extra time. I've had 3 straight days off in a row, I have a half day of clinic tomorrow, then an overnight L&D as midwife du jour (or nuit as it were) then back to 2 full clinic days and 2 L&Ds next week.

How did I spend my time other than with the Grannymeister? Weeeellll...I've worked on and frogged a few rows of the Forest Canopy.

Gosh I love this yarn, so very very autumnal!

I worked on Haiku in Plymouth Jellybean for Miss Kate's 3rd birthday. (Kate is the daughter of one of my backup OBs. Despite all efforts, she just happened to be born by C-Section on MY she's my forever birthday buddy. Easy pattern and the Jellybean is fun to work with. Being 3yrs old...pinkandpurple is her favorite color. And she LOVES to wear sweaters.

I decided to try something new and purchased a new knitting book, needles, and yarn
(hey it's sock yarn so it doesn't count..right?)

I watched "Juno" with DD. A really lovely movie about a pragmatic pregnant teen. If you have a teen at home, I encourage you to watch it with them...and discuss!

I meandered outside a bit and cleaned out one of the perennial beds. Can you believe how much greenery is showing after just 48 hrs of warm(er) weather? I wore SHORTS and SANDALS today (hey, it was in the high 50s!)

For comparison, here's the same bulb from yesterday 24 hrs after the last shot! Yeah, we're full daylight until around 10pm now.

I finished reading "Someone Knows My Name" by Lawrence Hill. Excellent read. Highly recommend it to anyone.

DH has PROM tomorrow night. OMG! Emergency mission to Fred Meyers for pink sparkly eyeshadow and charcoal sparkly eyeshadow and pink iridescent nail polish. I drew the line at haircolor though...she's only a sophomore and her last dye job (rich dark auburn) still looks fine. She's going with a group of horsey friends. Her first prom...I'm so verklempt!

Gratuitous Bella Blue photo from today. Hey Minnie...Siamese are notoriously doglike. She plays fetch. She carries her toys around in her mouth. She is constantly following me or the girl around.

And lastly, here's darling old girl Tallula! I never can take a good picture of her but I guess all the photo gods were smiling today.

Thanks everyone for all the wonderful support and comments from post before last. I've replied to some of you individually, but remember, I have no social skills cuz I was raised by wolves and all. So even if you don't get a personal message back from me, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate and HEART you all! Well, it's just about time for dinner. Tonight I made lemon-garlic turkey tenderloin with pea salad and cantaloupe slices on the side.

Until next time...Knit On!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring has Sprung in Alaska!

Gratuitous kitten photo to start with though....just cuz she's so very photogenic. I have NOTHING to show in the knitting dept. today. Still slogging through the last bit on the Forest Canopy Shawl. Hope to finish tonight and block tomorrow. I will definately be gifting this one to my good friend MK for her upcoming birthday!

The conference last Friday went well. I did feel somewhat disgruntled though. During my opening speech and the speaker introductions and somewhere between the techy troubleshooting stuff, I looked out into the audience and saw LOTS of knitting going on...and because I was so dang busy...was able to knit not one stitch myself. Oh well. Soooon though, very very sooon, I'll have big blocks of knitting time.

The weather has been stellar the past few days. It hit 60 degrees on my deck today...57 degrees per the bank thermometer in town....gorgeous blue skies...lots and lots of sunshine. I can feel my poor Vitamin D depleted body soaking in the rays to make more of this vital hormone/vitamin ;0 aaaahhhh! And look, in the garden....the BULBS (and other things) are bursting through everywhere!

But along with leaves and greenery...the rapid snowmelt brings MUDSEASON! THIS

is my driveway about messy...I'll be throwing straw down to soak up the water/mudbog over the next few days.

I'm on day 2 of my 3 in a row days off (yay!) laundry is caught shopping is done. Tomorrow, clean out the flower beds.

Here's another uber cute pic today of the rapidly growing Miss Bella Blue. She is such a character!

Until next time...Knit happy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Is it just me.....Long Boring Meandering

Or is everyone feeling totally in a crappy mood these days? I'm being polite in public but honestly i want to drop the 'f-bomb' with every other word right now. grrrrr...

1) I am feeling bored with blogging right now. I wrote a post a week ago, or rather, started a post a week ago...but EVEN I got bored reading it!

2) I want the romance back....the excitement of waiting for those comments after unfurling a new project for display..or the commiseration from all the knitbuds when good yarn goes horribly wrong. What happened? Was it Ravelry? I admit, I've been cheating around on this blog. I make comments in the groups i'm in...check new patterns, etc. It's exciting over there. There are NEW PATTERNS! And old patterns done in new yarns...and yarns I have that had no purpose, or had been depurposed now had hope and inspiration going for them. And the new faces and new "friends" from all over the world holy cow...and their pictures...and projects..and stashes and blogs...No wonder I've spent so much time away.

Yet, here is my own coming home sweet loyal blog. Taking whatever pictures and tidbits of life thrown her way. Demanding little in return. Tour of the sidebar, I read the Knitbuds and make a few comments here and again. I stop by my first regular in the chatroom, make an occaissional comment..and then sneak off into the night..back to the siren that is Ravelry.

Not to mention other distractions.

3) Last Thursday night in L&D I had 8 babies during my 12hr (extended to 14 1/2 hr just to finish all the paperwork) overnight call. I caught 7 of them myself...the first two while another went to C-Section.

The C-Section was a first time mom who'd pushed for 3 hrs. Baby was direct OP (facing mom's pubic bone instead of the normal facing mom's bottom position). Most of the time these babies turn during pushing. Lots of times they are born face-up without difficulty..(except the dreaded back labor). Sometimes we midwives or docs can 'spin' the baby with position changes and manual pressure upwards on baby's head. And then again, sometimes it just doesn't work and it's time to say 'when' before baby gets punky.

The rest were easy normal uncomplicated deliveries. Two women were complete upon arrival in triage. In fact, we had to close one of the inner triage doors and just catch a quickie in the private triage room. Nice busy evening. I was very sore and tired for the next few days.

Had another lovely day with a 'Hypnobirthing' first timer who I'd seen in clinic occaisionally. Gorgeous spirit renewing birth.

I am so fortunate to be able to make my living from one of my passions. And to recognize my need to 'write a bit' which is sometimes my blogging, to sort out the stressors and emotions and put things back into perspective.

4) The weather in Anchorage has been miserable. We have had record late snowfall. So freaking depressing. In fact last night...we got SIX MORE INCHES of snow at my house...after just fighting through ALMOST A FOOT OF NEW SNOW last week. The sun has peaked out twice with brightness and melting warmth...and THEN EVERYTHING FREEZES again overnight. Sometimes I lose my patience with the place I love. Guess it's just like some of those times in married life.

5) Speaking of which. Bets termed DH "Dead Man Walking". Why? do you ask. Remember my Bed and Breakfast pullover. Finally finished up less than a month or so ago AFTER 2 YEARS AS A WIP. Gorgeous, well fitting, perfect color, cabley goodness. Yes, that one.
Helpful dear that he is....accidently....washed it with red towels. lots of 'em. in hot water. Gone is the gorgeous stitch definition...flat and subtle bumps where exuberent cables used to play. Just an FYI,'s Sierra Aran felts very very well. The sweater would fit a six year old...if a six year old would wear 3/8" thick felt that can stand up by itself.

Yes. There were tears. Yes. Mean things spewed from my mouth. High drama at the midwife's house.

Maybe later I'll cut it up and sew up a nice felted bag out of it and wear it all the time or use it for a knitting bag or something just as a nice reminder. There will be retail therapy for this one. Oh yeah.

6) Teen angst. Gag. Demon child/Angel child. I love her, it's motherhood. Not the job of your dreams but I think you just have to savor the sometimes few and far between good bits at certain points and know that in a day/week/month/year or two the lightbulb will go on and the person you know love admire respect and see on occaission is still there and will ultimately return fulltime. And sometimes you just have to smile over gritted teeth. I'm lucky. No 'real problems'. But gosh can't they just tear your heart up sometimes! Makes me regret all over again some of the things I did when I was her age...not realizing how worried and helpless my own mom must have felt.

7) Our annual AK Chapter of the ACNM annual education conference is this Friday. I've been on the planning committee for this for the past 4 years. This year it was myself and 2 other women..that's it. And honestly...the amazing Sarah T, CNM was the driving force behind assuring everything was done. I still have to drop off 2 of the speaker's vested interest forms to the Nurse's Association office to finalize the number of CEUs we'll receive. I'm still waiting for 5 out of the 6 speaker's notes/slides for the syllabus that I need to drop off and have copied and comb or spiral bound tonight to pick up tomorrow. I need to pick up speaker honorarium and gift cards. And candies for the snack bowls on the tables. And water bottles. And flowers for the podium and sign in tables. And confirm the technology list with the conference facility. And pick up the door prizes. And make sure Yolanda brings posters and tickets to sell for our sponsored showing of "The Business of Being Born" (available now on Netflix folks..or in Anchorage at the Bear Tooth...locals, let me know if you want tickets for 5/13..$3.00). I have no freakin' idea what I'm going to wear yet and I have to introduce folks and make a little opening statement. Gag. Ok Breathe...Oh, yeah, did I mention, I'm on overnight at the hospital tonight. Gotta ramp up with some caffein here I guess.

8) Next week, I need to work on my poster and presentation. What's this? I've been invited to attend an International Gathering on Rural Indigenous Midwifery (US & Canada) in Rockville, MD...just a stone's throw away from our nation's capital. I'll be there 5 days and will attend numerous discussion groups, conferences, presentations and information gathering sessions with midwives from all across North America. I feel so honored to be a part of this. You just can't imagine. I am traveling in elite company. Our tribal doctor, Rita Pitka Blumenstein, will be with us. She is one of the Thirteen Grandmothers. Legendary and highly honored Alaska CNM, Marilyn Pierce-Bulger is one of the facilitators. Margaret Baldwin, CNM...developer of the Rural Maternal Child Health Health program for Alaska Natives..sending CNMs from ANMC to rural and remote villages to provide prenatal and women's/infant's health care and education in an adjunct to the Community Health Aide services provided. Joan Koval, CNM will be presenting on Hypnobirthing... classes she offers through our Women's Health Clinic, and I'll be showing off the integrated services model of prenatal and primary care I developed within the substance abuse and mental health treatment program I worked at for more than 7 years. I'm excited to go. It will get me out of town...which I feel like I desperately need right now. And travel knitting time. Love it!

9) The week right after I get back from Rockville, I have my first village travel. Initially, I was supposed to go to Sand Point...waaaaay out on the Aleutian chain...small aircraft...lots of weather. I have airsick issues anyway. When colleague Sarah T. said she was ready for a little adventure and would I be interested in swapping villages...hers were Mentasta and Chistochina...remote..but on the road system, I knew immediately that the right answer was HECK YEAH! So I'll be on a road trip! YAY! Lots and lots of knitting time!

10) The remodel is coming along sooooo....sllllloooooowwwlly..but things are starting to get a little exciting. No pics yet but sooon dahlings soooon.

11) Knitting: Still workin on the Forest Canopy Shawl...have more than 250 stitches on the needles...want a BIG shawl....will be winding down soon I think. Only had to tink back and reknit 4 rows and had no lifeline but threaded my size 1 47" KPO needle through a safe row and it was easy peasy...even through over 240 stitches!

12) The SWEETEST package came in the mail yesterday from blogless candeedarling from the sweets swap on Ravelry. My package is winging it's way to France! I will get photos as soon as I can stop shoving caramels into my mouth. She sent me corn yarn too. Maizy sock yarn..she's just the to come, honest.

13) Well if you made it this far you are truly a trooper. I'll try to post some photos after this weekend. I feel a bit better now. This blogging post let me vent a bit, organize my thoughts a bit, and realize that honestly, even though gas is over $3.50/gallon here...things could be a helluva lot worse....and it's just life in general! I'm gonna go play with the kitten. And you should go to YouTube and watch THIS!

I'll truly try to post some pics soon! Thanks for reading and all your comments are sincerely appreciated! Knit on.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

My old girl Tallula (Lulu for short) is almost 8 yrs old. Elderly for an Irish Wolfhound. She's in good shape other than arthritis, but transporting her to the vet and groomer and such has become very difficult. At 150+ lbs, lifting her into/out of the trucks is dangerous for both of us. I opted to groom her myself...indoors..(because we still have snow outside). And yes, just to clarify, she IS an INDOOR dog. All of our furkids are. I let her remain lying on her big soft cedar filled pillow bed as I snipped all her dredlocks and mats, trimmed her face and leg feathers...and the dreaded butt mat. Then using bed bath skills learned in nurse's training a hundred years ago...gave her a bedbath! It worked beautifully and only took 3 hours or so. The family was very critical of my grooming job, but she looks better, and definately smells better, and didn't have to get stressed out by a trip to the groomers. And I saved $200! Which can be spent on other endeavors (like maybe yarny goodness?)

Lulu's usually very shy around cameras but I was able to get this shot of her this morning. Isn't she sweet!

I've also done a bit of knitting this week! mojo is coming back I think!
This yarn is a lovely DK merino handpaint from SeeJayneKnit. The colorway was her first version of "Girly Camo". I love it and actually knitted up a Picovoli with this yarn. Sadly, I was almost finished with it before I realized it didn't want to be a Picovoli when it grew up. It was frogged, rewound, and has been contemplating it's future for the past year. I picked up a copy of the "Forest Canopy Shawl" pattern (by Susan Pierce Lawrence)and the "Girly Camo" totally called out. A match made in heaven I daresay...and wow, what an easypeasy nobrainer lace pattern eh! Any of you wanting to try a lace shawl, I'd highly recommend this as a first pattern!

No post would be complete these days without a gratuitous cute kitten's Bella Blue doing one of her cute kitten acts. Never a dull moment with her that's for sure!

I also finished the hat for Andrea. This is my default Churro earflap hat pattern. It took about 1 1/2 skeins of Nashua Sitar on size 8 KPOs. I think it's quite cute too!

and here's the view from the top. Don't you just love that increase spoke action!

I felted the bags. They turned out great...if you like clown barf. Seriously the red/pink/brown is GORGEOUS...the purple/green/red/yellow...yep. clown barf. Embellishments will be necessary.

Well that's it for tonight. I'm working the next three days so no blogging until late in the week. Knit on!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I Got the Kitten Playin' With Yarn Blues...

OLD: As in...i'm feeling that way today. Went through my old recipe file folders this morning to get my "HAM ROLL" recipe. (ham, swiss cheese, mushrooms, pimento, scallions all rolled up in a risen yeast bread) Yes, we are still working on the leftover ham from Easter. Best ever ham... made by THE MAN! I found handwritten recipes written by me or given to me from over 25 years ago. Nancy's Seafood Paella recipe threw me right back to the early 80s, when I first arrived in Anchorage. Nancy had a duplex in Muldoon and threw a fabulous party with my first ever fresh steaming open mussels and clams! I thank her today for initiating the expandion of my gustatory repertoire!

NEWS: This Friday is Dr. Andrea Wang's last day at my hospital. She's a wonderful, delightful, gorgeous Uro-Gynocologist (surgeon of leaky women's plumbing) that I've had the immense pleasure of working with for the past year or so. (She covered a lot of OB call too!) She'll be joining a private Urology practice in Anchorage. Seriously, if any women here in Alaska need this kind of service...she's your doc! I'll miss her practical approach and cheerful disposition. As a parting gift, I'm making her one of my ubiquitous variations of Amy Singer's "Churro"

.....out of THIS gorgous stuff!

NASHUA HANDKNITS "Sitar"....I think it looks like the Northern Lights and will look fabulous with her coloring! (NO it wasn't from stash....but I used a gift certificate...does that count?)

Oh...and guess what else I picked up?

Yup...Knitting Around by Elizabeth Zimmerman..thanks to Tara for the inspiration to make a Very Warm Hat from some stashed Classic Elite "Wings"!

BAGS: I FINALLY finished the knitting on the 2nd bag for the KAL. I STILL need to felt them. Maybe this afternoon...or tomorrow...this is my easy schedule week. I love the colorways and am really anxious to see how much they felt down! I've been putting the rest of the shwag together for my swap partner and having a good time with the stitch markers and other trinkets.

Gratuitous kitten photo!

BLUES: Bella Blue is a blast! (and even THE MAN has been caught PLAYING AND SNUGGLING with her!) We are still being very careful with Tucker (the Viszla) and Lulu (the Wolfhound) but all the other furkids are playing nicely together.

even PEARL surprisingly!

Here, enjoy a few more kitten pics whilst I knit.

"What's on the other side of that door?"

"It's Tucker, that's what!"

And have a great knitterly week everyone!