Saturday, October 27, 2007

octoer 27, 2007

it's been a challenging week on the home front. i'd heard from experienced parents about teen angst and the crazy level of influence...often not so great...that teen peers can have....but've never really had it rear it's ugly head TOO badly here at home. Sigh. All I can say is that I am getting paid back in full for my own misbehavin' at that age. And all one can do is hang on for the ride sometimes. I've heard that eventually it gets better. And I know from taking care of former patients that it can be so very very much worse. But wow...they can sure suck the wind from your sails at times. Guess it's all part of life.

And I am so grateful for the partnership i have with my husband, and for the friends I have, who've given immeasurably supportive words and reassurances. These are both on-line and in-the-flesh friends. You know who you are. I send my thanks.

This morning one of those friends showed up to go for a BIG walk. It was the lovely and talented BFF MaryKay (yes, like the cosmetics). I've blogged about her before. We've been BFFs since our girls were barely walking. Today we made the short and easy mile+ hike to Thunderbird Falls. The weather was sunny and a brisk 23 degrees, but we were well bundled. (Why yes, those are interpretations of Amy Singer's "Churro" hat)

The trek back is steep and hilly at times, and there are lovely overlooks into Thunderbird Gorge

and directly at the Falls themselves (which were very low at this time due to our lack of much in the way of autumn precipitation).

Then we followed the VERY steep trail down into the gorge to the actual river. It was so beautiful and crisp. We reminisced about many other hikes and road trips we've made. We used to do this one with the kids in backpacks, and past pets on leashes. It was early enough in the morning that we didn't encounter another soul until we were almost back to the trailhead. A nice hour of outdoor exercise and conversation with a dear friend. Now there's Chicken Tortilla Soup simmering on the stove for dinner, and a bit of knitting to be done. I think the storm is over for a bit. I am feeling very blessed.


Bea said...

Oh you two are so cute! I love the hats and her rosy cheeks. The hike sounds really fun (if challenging). I'm so glad you had a wonderful day.

Grace said...

I know how you feel, raising teens was a rough road to hoe and the final results 2 out of 3 (to quote Meat) ain't bad. The other one was good too but evil influences we couldn't compete with (Femine wiles) changed all that. Your photo is adorable. I wish it were 23 degrees here we still had the AC on today, and more then 1/2 the leaves are still green Very un-NJ weather!!

smariek said...

Sounds like a wonderful hike, except for the temperature (yes, I'm a wimpy Californian). I thought of you while watching a program about Alaska on the Travel Channel. Would love to make it up there sometime.

Joan said...

Look at those rosy cheeks!! I have that same scenery here, how blessed we are.

I was a hellacious teen, ran away at 17 and hitchhiked to CA. I did everything I could to challenge my parents, every day. But at age 20 I mysteriously snapped out it, finished college and then law school. Now look at what I am doing. ;-p

Hang tough, mama, this too shall pass.

Arctic Knitter said...

Fun times! Thunderbird Falls is a great outing. Haven't been there in a while - I think perhaps I'll bundle the kids up & go next weekend. Thanks for the inspiration. Hang in there w/the teen angst. :0) I know my time is coming soon....

Allison said...

Hang in there! I love your walk photos and the snow. What a perfect place to wear knit hats!