Saturday morning, we went to breakfast and then headed south towards Portage to visit the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. We drove through the park and were able to get up-close and personal with a variety of wildlife including.....
Quiviut on the hoof (aka Muskox)

Caribou (my favorite game meat ever!)

And local celebrity, Jimmy the (Grizzly) Bear and his brothers.

We then headed back towards town and stopped in Girdwood. We took the tram up to the top of Mount Alyeska and visited the Round House Museum before having a nice lunch of reindeer hotdogs and clam chowder. Several hanging glaciers are visible from both the Round House as well as the restaurant. Unfortunately I left my camera in the car during that escapade so you'll just have to make do with the linkage provided ;0
Driving back home, we stopped at the Eagle River Nature Center. Everyone had a good time looking through the telescope trying to spot sheep, bear and mountain men.

We decided on a little adventure and hiked/wheeled down one of the trails to the salmon spawning overlook where we spent a good hour or more watching fish fight to swim upstream, rolling and congregating in the still pools.

It was a beautiful and peaceful evening, but the hike/wheel back was essentially uphill all the way and tired everyone out for the evening!
We decided on a more civilized day for Sunday and after breakfast visited the Anchorage Museum of History and Art where we strolled around for 2 or 3 hours, had coffee and forgot to take pictures. Next was a stop at Grandma Clara's favorite venue...Alaska Wildberry shop for wonderful chocolates and see the "Chocolate Waterfall". Everyone certainly enjoyed THAT stop ;0

On Monday, we drove to Seward and enjoyed the Alaska Sealife Center. It's one of my and Grandma Clara's favorite places. We enjoy learning about the seabirds, fish, and marine mammals of Resurrection Bay.
There are Octopus (octopi?)

Pettable Starfish....

Friendly puffins...

and other seabirds...

and the favorites including Harbor Seals....

and Woody the Sea Lion!

After the Sealife Center, we drove up the road a ways and visited Exit Glacier. The Okies were impressed with the river of ice ;0

Tuesday was spent touring the Mat-Su valley and visiting quietly at home. Louise and Kathy wanted to have their pictures taken in our winter coats (Laura Wright Parkies).

As I had to work an overnight that night, Grandma Clara entertained our guests by showing off some of her current cardworks in progress and reminiscing about the 'good old days'.

Russ and Zoe took everyone out to the Haute Quarter Grill for seafood and steaks. I slept late the following day (Wednesday) then we went out to Lake Hood to watch the floatplanes take off. We had a late lunch of Shrimp Tomato Bisque Soup with Rolls and Salmon Spread, and said our goodbyes at the airport.
It was a rather whirlwind trip, but I think everyone had a good time. I know Grandma Clara really enjoyed visiting with her family.
And so ends this episode of "Grannies Gone Wild"....stay tuned, you never know what those girls will get into next! Until next time....Knit On!