Where to begin?
Busy. Very very busy. (2 8hr clinics and 3 12hr L&Ds in 7 days..it's ok..i have more consecutive days off this week). Clinics packed. I was scheduled 16 to 20 patients both days. Several double booked. And of course, they were double booked with transfer prenatal patients so there was lots of new history, review of charts etc to deal with, keeping me late both days. And no lunch because (i know, i know, i did it to myself..just lemme whine willya!) shmuck that I am, I magnanimously told the front desk to book my lunch hour for teens wanting birth control. I'm a huge advocate of long-term no-brainer birth control like Implanon (not suitable for everyone...but very very very safe and EXTREMELY effective for 3 years). Access and appropriate counseling is critical for teens. My soapbox.
L&D just as busy...first night..six normal deliveries (3 first timers with lots of pushing) and one c-section..for a breech who was complete and pushing. Every muscle in my body ached for the next 24 hours. Next L&D day shift...4 more sweet easy peasy normal deliveries, along with 5 new admissions to watch...then the following night another 4 easy deliveries, and filled the house back up with 4 admissions. Not to mention all the "i really really really wanna be in labor" checkin-checkouts. I love my job, and being off today is a perk. I just felt like nothing else really got accomplished...but reflecting on the week, I know that's not true.
Professional Life:
I decided to not attend the annual meeting American College of Nurse-Midwives this year. It's in Boston. With our current home-remodel, I can't justify the expense. And now I have a 'set amount' for CME monies each year from my employer instead of funding through 'program development' allocations. It was a concession for a better quality of life. Anyway, next year the annual meeting is in Seattle. Far more reasonable airfare/hotel etc.
The good news is that I've been invited to be a poster presenter at a special "Indigenous Midwifery Meeting" sponsored by the US Indian Health Service and its Canadian equivalent. They're flyin' me to Rockville, MD for a very jam-packed 3 day conference/summit/networking experience. And all because I happened to nab the Director after her visit to Alaska one day and drive her over and give her a tour of the prenatal substance abuse treatment program I was working with. That was three years ago. Wow. You just never know what seeds get planted do you? It will be nice to get out of town for a bit and experience a bit of lower 48 springtime. I'll also be seeking out a knitting meetup if time permits (although at this time the schedule is pretty intimidating!...receptions..panel discussions...after 9 hours of the actual 'summit' gulp. No good deed goes unpunished!)
Not much. I've started and frogged the following projects this week:
1) Bonsai Tunic in Tussah Silk (after 3 lace repeats decided that thick/thin lace in this pattern just looked like crap)
2) Lizard Ridge in Noro Kureyon (keep screwing up the w&t counts. maybe was just too tired or distracted by other life events..see below...to pay enough attention. frogged but plan to restart very very soon)
3) Branching Out scarf in elann.com's Baby Silk. (finished 3 repeats then totally lost the pattern sequencing and just frogged out of frustration)
4) I still have the 2nd Big Bag for the KAL. It lacks only about 12 more rows to be complete. Then I think I'll just go ahead and felt both of them. I'm kind of done with the big chunky knitting right now.

Domestic Life:
Ran the little grannymeister (AKA Grandma Clara) to the store a couple of times and to the beauty shop. She's decided she needs some new houseshoes and a new spring jacket so we're heading out again this weekend. She has really mastered her new toy (the Cricut) and is sending out a half dozen cards a week or more! She even got another new cartridge that has oilwells (she is from Oklahoma you know) and farm equipment. It just absolutely tickles me that she has worked through her technical frustrations with it. Yes, she still has to refer to the book a lot and yes it does take her a while and yes she does get frustrated and put it away at times..hmmm..sounds like me and my knitting.
She not only does great outsides....but she embellishes the insides of the cards as well!

Fearless crafster Grandma Clara!

The house remodel is going slowly as expected. The cabinet lady was unable to make it up the driveway due to our thaw/freeze early spring glaciation. The parking area is literally a skating rink right now and our 37 degree slope of a driveway makes for some 'interesting' moments. Due to our work schedules, she will need to be rescheduled for at least another week. Crap. On the brighter side...the new dishwasher is ubercool! It has two separate drawers that pull out so you can run a small load or a full load! nifty.
Miss Bella Blue is just entertaining everyone. She plays with her toys but loves yarn and will literally bat and attack a dangling piece of string until she collapses. Ditto with chasing around and beating up a loosely crumpled piece of paper. She is also very affectionate and likes to be around people all the time. She gives lots of nuzzles and purrs very easily. When sleepy, she heads for the nearest lap. The other animals are slowly getting acquainted/getting used to her. Spirit (our eskie) is the friendliest with her and she bats at his tail and leg feathers.

I'm concerned about the Vizla though. He's so aggressive and he jumped up and snapped at her while I was standing with her in my arms. We will need to be very very careful for a long time.
At the grocery store on Saturday, I ran into a woman (a total stranger) who was wearing a darling lacy knitted tuniccy (is that a word?) vest over a same-color long sleeve Tshirt. I stopped her and complimented on how cute that was and asked if she had knitted that herself. She, puffed herself up a bit...and rightly so...and proudly said yes...it was her first lace project and you just had to love chunky knitted lace! I asked her the name of the pattern. It was the Tea Rose Halter from IWK Spring 07. Well of course, I had that issue at home and although I didn't have the right yarn in stash...or maybe just didn't want to pull out all the boxes...I thought I had good yarn to make the Bonsai Tunic...hence my wasted knitting time as reviewed earlier.
Later that same day, on a quick trip to my closest LYS, the Tangled Skein in Eagle River, I was 'identified'...."hey, aren't you Lisa from the blog and BigBag Knitalong"...by Cindy, who works there part-time! How cool is THAT! The way she talked me up, made me feel like a local 'knitterati'! Thanks Cindy!
On a sad note, one of the girl's long-time best friends lost her beautiful horse, Comanche, yesterday. He colicked quite unexpectedly and despite excellent care and veterinary interventions, was unable to be saved. We are all shocked and devastated. Please send your positive thoughts and prayers for comfort in A's grief. The girl is putting together a memory scrapbook of events and trailrides and general good horsey times they had together.
Goodbye dear Comanche. You will be sorely missed.

It just makes my heart ache for her.
This afternoon I'm going to meet up with Sarah & Vickie...two of the night shift L&D nurses I've brought into the fold as it were! Vickie started knitting just a few months ago and has made a gorgeous felted bag and is now getting ready to experiment with lace! Go Vickie. Sarah is learning the joys and frustrations of multiple WIPs! Like...all the excitement of different types of projects for different moods....and the frustration of...crap...the needles you need are already in use! Perhaps they'll let me take some photos today! If so, I'll update you.
Until next time...have a very knitterly week
Sheessh what a week! I know that feeling!
Just having a quick blogbrowse before tackling my massive to-do list for today! We fly out again tonight for a wedding in Melbourne, and I am staying on for an extra week for a break! Phew.
The kitty looks adorable, very jealous.
The grannymeister's achievements are AWESOME! Way to go Clara!
Work just sounds exhausting Lisa!But I'm a bit jealous of all those normal births, sigh. You're doing agreat job though. And I am SOOOOOO with you on the Implanon! Mess around all you want kiddo, just use a really reliable method of contraception!
We saw the Business of Being Born last week here (the Ricki Lake movie). It rang really true here. HAve you seen it?
Knitting sounds interesting but frustrating! Loving the big bags!
Sad news about the horse. Its a big loss for a family and her friends. Such a big part of their lives. (((hugs))) to all.
Hang in there Lisa!
Woah...whata week! Glad you'll have some days off to re-charge. I can totally understand the re-model blues...our bathroom is two days behind schedule, which will put off the bedroom a bit, which will.....you know. Cute kitty pic. And give me a break on the Scrabble, K? You're killing me.
That was all in one week? OMG. I'm impressed that you can still find the energy to type. Such exciting news for your trip to MD. And I give you huge props for the work on L/T birth control for teens! Great Granny Clara cards; let her know about her online fans.
And it is so sad about DD's friend's horse. Sending virtual hugs via you and DD.
what a great informative post, what beautiful cards Clara is making, so thoughtful and personal and I am so sorry to hear about the horse.
I have been a taste of hOme food editor for years and I would wak into the grocery story and total strangers would walk up to me and say aren't you in the magazine, it was a good ego builder at the time!!
So sorry to hear about Comanche, sending much positive thoughts that way! Having had horses, I totally understand!
You've had a full week too! Hope you get a little "down"time!
Love your big bag. Beautiful color...It will be lovely I'm sure once felted.
happy felting :)
Phew! I'm exhausted. Where EXACTLY do you get your energy from, please?
Bravo GC! Those cards are gorgeous. She needs a knitting theme cricut gadget and an Etsy account.
Put your feet up, Lisa.
You work at a very busy place! Hope you get a lull in somewhere.
Gramma Clara cracks me up! She is making some beautiful cards!
Kittens are so much fun- but a lot of work.
Bummer about the horse (can't even imagine what the girl is going through, I have never had an animal bigger than a dog).
Hope you get some sleep/rest.
What a week! Hard to believe you have so many births; I think of Alaska as pretty unpopulated, LOL. I found a funny blog by a L&D nurse ("Tales from Labor and Delivery"); it's pretty funny, but she doesn't knit :(
I wish there had been clinics like yours when I was a teen. Or, moreso, when the boys I knew were teens ;)
I'm not a cat person, but you have one of those rare kitties that kinda acts like a dog! LOL the few cats I've met stay hidden during all daylight hours and just wreak havoc at night!
oh my lisa! congrats on being asked to be at the conference! that is awesome! i am so jealous of all the deliveries! you go girl! the kitten is just adorable and so is granny clara!
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