I started out the Clappy in Elann.com's Sonata print on size 7s. Made it through most of the increase section before deciding the fabric was too loose...frogged...and restarted on size 6s which feels a lot nicer in my very humble opinion. I also am using the 'no stitch marker method' i.e. purling all the knit stitches that will be dropped (aka the knit stitches between the two kbl stitches). I find that it's much easier to keep track this way. One skein of the Sonata Print made it to within 3 rows of the end of the increase section...the second skein has gotten me through the rest of the increases and 3 straight rows...I have 7 skeins total and plan to start the decrease section when i have a skein and a half left. If the Clappy's a little short, the cotton should stretch to length..

I must say this yarn is a delight to knit with...and I'm not usually a big fan of knitting with cotton. I purchased this back in May 06 planning to make a miter square top that just didn't really work for me in the execution.....but this colorway...Rose Garden....was too pretty to give up on. It did pool a bit ungracefully for a short while, but the separation by drop stitch will take care of that....

So far I think it will be a nice marriage between yarn and pattern.....and purling the drop stitches...makes the pattern ideal for TV knitting!

Knit on!
That looks pretty darn awesome! I hated knitting with Sonata and sent a bunch of it back a year or 2ago. But the way yours is working out, it's a great yarn for a clapotis and I may have to try it again.
Are you keeping this one??
PS...your avatar looks much healthier today. ;-p I was worried about her.
I love that colorway! So rosy.
Damn you're fast! Even with frogging & starting over. It looks pretty good knitted up.
I still don't understand how its done, I am going to have to figure it out by actually doing it
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