I learned to knit on aluminum needles and didn't know there were any other types for years and years....until i started knitting with a vengeance again about seven years ago. During the past seven years, i've tried out and collected a VAST assortment of pointy sticks. Today was the first day I really LOOKED at what I've collected. I think...i may have a problem.
First of all.......when i started knitting again....I started back with Brittany straights.....oh, they held my stitches so well, providing just enough drag that even slippery stuff didn't just jump off and drop itself....hence, an almost complete collection of Brittany straights.....

But sometimes, i didn't have/make time to go to the LYS for the Brittanies....so i'd pop into JoAnn's or Michaels and pick up Clovers....not quite so pointy, lots of friction/drag for slippery fibers....relatively inexpensive...and they came in CIRCULARs..whoowhoo..I was hitting the bigtime with the knitting by then....and with multiple WIPs (or FTPs...failure to progress)this small collection was amassed....

Then...socks and other things that were worked in the round, but had diameters too small for circs (don't even get me started on two-circ knitting..i hate that!)and a nice collection of DPs came into being...and of course there are multiples of the 1s, 2s, and 3s....maybe say 3 or 4 sets of each....silly me...
oh...and the BIG jar of needles, well lets just say that, between my compulsion for thrift stores..and a nicely recovering ebay habit.....the jar ran out of room...but there are lots of interesting foreign made needles in various metals and plastics there...yes, even one pair of lightup loser needles purchased for hairsticks at a knit in public night. This is really pathetic.

Here's a close-up of my favorite thrift store score...an intact, mint condition, vintage Boye Needlemaster set...that i got for a buck and a half! I still get all excited thinking about that surprising find! And no, i've never used a piece of it...but i do take them out and fondle them once in a while ;0

Currently, I am never without my favorites....the starter set of sz 4-15 KnitPicks Options interchangeables.....i love these needles and now only use the others for super slippery yarns.....or if my KPOs are stuck in a WIP...

I didn't show you all the needles in the WIP pile...because that would be just...not so good...and really really embarrass me ;0
So what's next....well, I really want a set of the KnitPicks Harmony interchangeables for Christmas. According to those in the know...they are wonderful and pointy and smooth and of course the gorgeous colors appeal to my aesthetic sensibilities....when I asked the man to put these at the top of the Holiday gift list...he said OK but looked puzzled....I asked him what that look was for....and he just gestured around the room to the little piles and bundles of tools scattered about....and gently asked...."do you think there might be a problem here?"
hmmmmmm.....i don't want to go down that road. I'm just going to say that at this "point" in time...i think i have a needle for every fiber....but you never know what you might need in cable lengths....or with the next fibery goodness coming from the mills...gotta stay on top of the technology...right?
Right, stay on top of technology. Those of us who don't always feel behind the times and just a bit left out.
I can only say that I owe my collection to my grandmother who left me about 125 vintage needles (not all in pairs obviously) when my mom was cleaning out her house last year. Otherwise I have a very decent set of Addi's (most all diameters size 11 and under, one of each) and a couple of pairs of brittany needles. And one set of double points gifted to me in a swap. Thats it. I want some Knit Picks, but I haven't decided on options or harmony yet. hmmm...
You can always sell old needles on Ebay. That's where I bought all of my straights, one one lump.
Loving the Harmony needles but definitely have more drag that the Options. So pretty to look at tho'.
I remember when you found the Boye set! It's still a looker. ;-}
Woman, you are at no loss for needles. Damn.
I am so opposite in that regard, I gave all my aluminum straights to my baby sis (who has NEVER used them despite her good intentions). And on Tuesday, I donated my miscellaneous needles to charity. I kept my Denise kit, my KPO set (of course, the best!) and I also kept all my bamboo needles. Hmm now that I read this over...I still have a lot of needles.
Do you think there might be a problem? No. You just need a bigger vase. I have several, and why not?
I am uber impressed! I thought I had a lot but probably less then half of what you have. I love my woods for cotton, my addi turbos for all my shawl projects and some short straight metals are great for scarves, sleeves booties. I have dpns too even though I don't do socks I need them to start round shawls and finish hats!
Holey moley, I think you need more needle holders to go with your needles. :-)
This post has made me unbelievably happy ... it is just so good to know that I am not alone! :)
I'm ashamed to admit that I have a similar collection, but MORE! Mostly bought from garage or estate sales. My justification was that I have a lot of children who will obviously want to learn this wonderful craft and I certainly don't want to pay retail. It worked for me - lol!
Love the needle pics! Needles are great because they DON'T count as stash! I borrowed a circular from a friend's Knit Picks' set to finish up my Mr. Green Jeans, and I'm in love! Those are next on my to-order list. By the way, I came home from being out of town this weekend to discover a happy box from Elann waiting for me!! This Sierra Aran is so gorgeous! I'm not sure I'm going to be able to wait until I'm done with Mr. GJ to start the Cobblestone. Have you gotten yours yet?
It's not a problem, it's a passion.
Not bad.... at least you have all of your needles in one place. Mine are all over the place. I hope to get them all sorted and together this weekend. I hate having to rummage to find the pair I want to use.
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