A few months ago, my friend "Sassy Nurse Heather" (who you might remember from the Beer Train episode) and I were talking about growing older, bucket lists, life goals..etc. And one thing that we both wanted to do was hike the Crow Pass Trail from Girdwood to Eagle River. Crow Pass is a 26 mile hike through some incredibly rugged, yet stunningly beautiful wilderness, replete with glaciers, glacial streams, waterfalls, mountains, wildlife,...you name it. So guess what. We did it!
We planned and prepped and initially had thought to do a three day backpacking trip, but then decided to cut it down to two days, thereby lightening the backpacks by at least a pound or so.
Here we are at the trailhead, don't we look cute!

Gratuitous trailhead waterfall beauty shot.

More of the looking back from whence we came....
And get, this, a mountain goat wandered right down the trail in front of us to munch on a bit of grass. Why yes...thoughts of cashmere did go through my mind...and nerd that I am, I might have even voiced them to fellow knitter Heather..who being not so much the nerd, rolled her eyes.

Me and Heather having a Kodak moment!

It was an indescribable first day....we crossed this bridge and continued on to set up camp on the river bank...a total of just under 13 miles the first day. I was whipped. I'm waiting for someone else's pics of day 2...my camera battery died. Let's just say Day 2 was even more physically challenging....and I think my 40 lbs of backpacking stuff doubled it's weight. We crossed a big cold glacial river, crossed ravines on single peeled log bridges by holding onto a rope above our heads, and used knotted ropes to pull our sorry butts up and down steep gullies. More glaciers, more waterfalls, more incredible scenery. Oh, and we ran into not one...but two...black bears, one only 80 feet away. But I will save that part of the tale for the accompanying photos. Until then...I will tell you, I've only ever been so tired, so sore, so exhilarated and so dang amazed once before...and that was when I gave birth to my daughter. This two day trip gave me back my faith in my physical abilities. And, guess what, we are planning another big adventure in 3 weeks!
WOW You are awesome!
I think YOU are the most amazing thing in Alaska!
You go girl! I haven't done Crow Pass in about 10 years - your photos are the siren song to return. Can't wait to hear about day 2! Can you believe people actually run this trail in a day? Crazy!!!
Awesome places, awesome hikers. How cool that you 'believe' again!
How stunning!
I love glacial and alpine sceneery, and I can imagine how treacherous it got undefoot.
BLACK BEARS? Yikes!!!!!!
You superwoman you! (both, and company)
You are an inspiration! :) Congratulations on accomplishing such an amazing physical feat. Now you can casually say, "yeah, that reminds me of the time I was backpacking in Crow Pass...." :)
Love reading about the journey. Enjoyed the photos here and on FB. You are amazing.
Good for you! And the pictures are awesome. What a fantastic experience!
Wow! You bad-assed hiker, you! Better get the other hike in before the snow...
One of the BEST times of my life! Thank you for sharing the experience!!!
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how breathtaking!
holy crap - amazing photos! is this near Valdez? I visited there in May and the scenery looks similar (ie spectacular!)
Hey Cuz. YOU ROCK!!!!! awesome pics. Makes me want to come see you more so than usual. I miss you so much. I'll call soon. Gotta get ready for Emma's bday this weekend. holly
Lisa, where for art thou? Are you okay?
Interesting article you got here. It would be great to read a bit more about this matter.
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