Then, last weekend, she saw an ad on TV for "a new cutting machine...you just push a button....it's called a cricket".....so I searched online to find out what she was talking about. I thought it might be a bit too technical for her...but she absolutely insisted on getting one. I heard about it daily...sometimes two times a day...and finally stopped at JoAnns on the way home from work last night to pick it up for her. Expensive as all get out....but if you've been reading for any length of time, you know that Grandma Clara spends a lot of her time creating handmade greeting cards. They are very very creative and are little treasured works of art! She felt that this would add to her craft. Today we spent a couple of hours playing with the machine. I think she has her mind wrapped around it pretty well....

See what I mean! All in all, I guess if you are 86 years old and want to buy yourself a new toy and have the means to do so.....go for it ;0 Knit on!
Wow, that's one fancy paper cutter! I bet she's having lots of fun with it.
Go Grandma Clara! :0)
I am totally loving the fact that Grandma Clara is more technically advanced than I'll ever hope to be!
I love card making. I spent a bazillion dollars on supplies a few years back, and then I picked up knitting again...
Wow! that is a fancy machine.
The flowerpot doodads are really cute.
Go, Grannie, Go!
Those potholder daisy things are amazing. NOW I know where they come from; a while back a bag of yarn donated to my seniors had a couple of those in them. They were so pretty that I spent quite a while trying to figure out how to make them, without success.
Tell Grandma Clara I love the potholders, they are gorgeous, I love my towel from her, it washes up and still looks new
I want to be her when I grow up
Thank you for posting this. I adore the photos of Grandma Clara working at a machine that, as someone else already posted, I would never have the patience to figure out.
I too want to be Grandma Clara when I grow up.
That is amazing! I too want to be like her when I grow up - artistically an impossibility, but her spunk, maybe...
Sounds like big fun at Grandma Clara's house! I hope when I'm 86 that I'll have a granddaughter who'll indulge my persistent crafting desires. I love all the pictures of her playing with her new toy. Looks like fun was had by all.
Those Cricuts are the hottest thing for scrapbooking (& I am so glad I am past that faze). CG looks amazing at her high-tech project!! Big gold star for grandaughter Lisa!
Her crochet projects are amazing too. Such energy, she has. And talent. ;-}
It cut out those little shapes? That's like a CNC machine for crafters!
Can you post a link for the potholders?
oh crap, where's my comment?
I think it's worth 3X the price for keeping her happy and focused, but I hope you had a coupon.
Hee, she is one busy granny! And I'm loving the potholders :)
Gorgeous crochet.
Gorgeous cricket thingy - it does look expensive, but it also looks WICKED in function!
Go Granny Clara go!
And two thumbs waaaaay up for Lisa too! Her partner in (not very crime-y) crime.
I miss my Nanna :( She was 89 when she died and we would have had heaps of fun together with all the craft I'm doing now. Except she was 65 years older than me, so would a hundred and a gazillion by now.
Grandma Clara looks like she is having so much fun with that new gadget!
I'd love the pattern name of that pot holder or a link?
I'm conicuts on Ravelry...
You are such a wonderful granddaughter enabling you dear Grandma. She looks so happy...good for her..I'm very impressed. Most of the older people I know would run the other way when it comes to the new technology. Can't wait to see what she creates with her new machine :)
I also love her flower hot pads...they are of a very interesting construction :)
happy knitting :)
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