otherwise known as crap, crap, crap!
1) Great yarn sub for Berocco Suede. Check: Artfibers Ballet (discont'd.) 25%nylon/75% microfiber
2) Gauge. Check: 18st/4"spot on size 9s just like the pattern called for. (I never get row gauge so adjust accordingly)
3) Read through pattern and viewed other folks' interpretations. RACHAELLA was so bella!
4) I even tried it on once I was 10 rows below the armholes...just like the pattern says....and to assure appropriate length
5) I knit my freakin heart out this weekend because I want to wear this in Las Vegas Wednesday.
6) What I forgot to take into account...............i'm down from a 14/16 this time last year....to a 10 (and even...gasp...an 8 at last week's clothing sale shopping spree).....and yep...you guessed it....I made the wrong freakin size again. I like my clothes loose. Some folks even say baggy. I know this top is supposed to have negative ease. I figured if I made the 37" size it would be clingy and accent the curvature...did I measure the boobage on myself? Of course not! I've been the same size for years right? Did the fact that my bras haven't fit right (i.e. I'm always tugging them back down) for the past 2 months or so even enter my brain....of course not! Well guess what. I measured "the girls" afterwards....hah! 36"...no negative ease there.....

Maybe that's why the cowl hung down so low that wardrobe malfunction was guaranteed. I tried a quick fix....see the cute little crochet'd cord drawstringing the neckline up to a less censorious length.....but it really is just overall too big. CRAP!

So...the good news...1) I know I am now down to officially a size medium for most things. 2) I now know exactly what my measurements are....and they came as a delightful surprise....3) I know why I need new clothes....4) I LOVE the way the fabric knits up and the pattern in the correct size will be gorgeous and very wearable ....5) I have enough yarn left to make another in the correct size....6) and I'm going to gift this one to busty work buddy Barbara D.
You live....you learn.
Now....I need to figure out the travel knitting....maybe it's time to start on the holiday giftees eh?
Well, congrats on the size surprise, but that sucks about the Coachella. Maybe OVER a black tank??
Have fun in LV! Oh, and a package should be there by Friday!
wow that yarn looks awesome...
you should know I am a size 8/10 and I will now be stalking you to see what you're knitting, what size you're knitting, and what modifications you found necessary.
I'm lazy.
Congratulations about losing weight! I had a breast reduction in May, so I'm FINALLY shopping again. I'm shocked that although I haven't changed numbers on the scale, all my pants are a size smaller. I think the changing of size standards has hit Canada. And for knit tops/t-shirts, I can take a medium, and I have a 40" chest (not as small as I was hoping) and notice in most patterns that I'm also going to be knitting a medium. You might want to just double check your patterns :)
I wonder if I could knit one of those before we go on our cruise in October?
Of all the problems to have with a FO, having it be too big because you overestimated your size is a great problem to have. If you didn't have a recipient in mind, I'd tell you to rip that sucker out and re-knit it in a smaller size! The yarn is fabulous!
What a nice top! I'm glad you have enough yarn to knit one in your size. Will you bring it to wear in Virginia?
Oh, no! I'm so sorry!!!! Girl, I wear 38" bra, and I made the 27" size (because it said it stretched to 36....). After all that work! But it went fast, and you can make another one. And you should, you'll great. Love that color....
Wow! That seemed to knit up really fast! I'm impressed. Too bad it didn't fit just right. But then again, I'm not one to complain when things I try on suddenly are too big... time to celebrate! But I know what a bummer it is to spend all that time and energy in something special and it turn out all wrong for you. Better luck with the new measurements and the next go round!
Your's is too big, mine is too small!
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